Information on this page about News Feed configuration is subject to change, including information about possible changes in operations or the addition of helpful tips or maintenance information.


News Feeds from CARDINAL NEWS are commonly obtained by readers via Facebook and Twitter; however, there are other sophisticated methods, known as RSS Feed Readers, that are available — Feedly, Inoreader, NewsBlur, and others. You may obtain the feed address by adding “/feed/” (without quotes to the end of the web address). For example, the feed is …However, on iOS you need an RSS feeder app to open the feed. Some of these RSS feed apps have a PUSH notification feature, so that you will get a notification on your phone when a new article is published. Feeds can be produced for the whole website or for a specific category.

If you want to be able to read articles in near real time as the articles are posted you need to use an RSS Feed Reader that offers PUSH notification for a smartphone app. An advantage of a Feed Reader is that you can choose settings for a number of news sources, such as whether you get a push notification and the time frame of the notification (e.g., instant, hourly).

CARDINAL NEWS publishes four websites that cover public safety emergencies and incidents involving FIRE, EMS, and POLICE responses. — covers Chicagoland, US & World news of a variety of topics. Emergency and public safety-related articles are shared with — covers Chicagoland FIRE, RESCUE, EMS calls in Chicagoland with brief early reports, and feeds articles to … (posts Chicago/US/World incidents but focuses on Chicagoland) (posts Local Incidents Only) (posts Local Incidents & Local Shares) — covers Chicagoland FIRE, RESCUE, EMS calls in Chicagoland with more detailed reports with rundown and sizeups (NOTE: currently mostly inactive and not feeding to social media). — covers emergencies worldwide for an audience that is primarily interested in FIRE, EMS, RESCUE, POLICE and SECURITY services.


Advantages of Facebook

Facebook provides a very simple method to monitor a news feed. A Facebook user simply LIKES or UNLIKES or FOLLOWS or UNFOLLOWS a specific page.

Disadvantages of Facebook

Facebook may throttle down some news sources or may completely censor posts, or may totally shut down a variety of news sources. If you rely on Facebook as a news feed, you might suffer from Facebook censorship activities, and not you may not receive all the news items that you expect to see. Facebook has no customer service.

Sometimes Facebook has been known to duplicate posts, which is annoying to some users.

CARDINAL NEWS works to avoid duplication of post, unless there are updates.

Also Facebook has no Customer Service department

DRAFT MATERIAL … (searchable Chicagoland fire incidents)
+ + + + + + + + +
(Local Incidents & Local Shares)
(Local Incidents Only)
(All type news from Chicago media sources)
If you don’t want alerts for all, it is recommended that you LIKE the page but UNFOLLOW the page (or temporarily UNFOLLOW when you prefer to avoid the busy stream of news). If you want to make sure you get local Chicagoland news, select LIKE for one of the other pages ( or, and choose FOLLOW FIRST.
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Articles are shared for information only & should not be viewed as endorsements or alignment with any specific ideology …
You may also prefer to see the Chicagoland general news feed at — free from CARDINAL NEWS ( is an Amazon Associate website, which means that a small percentage of your purchases gets paid to at no extra cost to you. When you use the search boxes above, any Amazon banner ad, or any product associated with an Amazon banner on this website, you help pay expenses related to maintaining and creating new services and ideas for a resourceful website. See more info at