CBS 2’s Friday Flyover features John Hersey High School in Arlington Heights. The school community is honoring veterans today. YouTube Tips ⓘ
Students, staff, faculty and community members honored veterans on the football field while CBS Chopper 2 committed to a CBS 2 Friday Flyover with Kris Habermehl covering the event live for morning TV news viewers.
John Hersey High School began Veterans Day with a breakfast, concert and address by retired Maj. Gen. Jim Mukoyama.
James Mukoyama in his days of military service was the youngest American to command a United States Army division. He served over thirty years on active and reserve duty in the Army, including service in Korea and Vietnam. Mukoyama was promoted to major general, and commanded the 70th Training Division during Desert Storm.
General Mukoyama’s Standard Mantra, “Every Day is a Great Day.” – Gen. James Mukoyama (Jocko Podcast) YouTube Tips ⓘ
James Mukoyama was born on August 3, 1944 in Chicago, Illinois. Mukoyama’s father was a Japanese immigrant, and his mother was the child of immigrant parents from Japan. Mukoyama’s mother’s family was interned at the American internment camp Manzanar, north of Los Angeles, California at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
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